Thursday, June 25, 2015
seeds of love
this art project is titled ' seeds of love'.
in collaboration with Heerup Museum in Denmark, i invited the public to participate making the artwork .
it is a minimalistic approach where we use used paper, BBQ sticks and tapes to carve the word ' love' in different languages to reflect the multicultural society living in Copenhagen, Denmark.
the idea is to make the word' love' in as many different languages as possible using paper cuttings and plant them outside in the green area at the museum for the Culturnight festival in Rødovre.
heerup museum,
installation art,
seeds of love
Think Tank, Bela Biennale - Rio Di Janeiro 2014
in nov 2014, i participated in Bela Biennale, an art festival between the Nordic country and south america, namely Brazil.
i brought with me a documentation of my new work called ' think tank'. think tank is a project i did in collaboration with Robotics Learning Center Malaysia Sdn Bhd.
here is the text written by Intan Rafiza, a curator from the National Art Gallery Malaysia on the project.
( In malay )
i brought with me a documentation of my new work called ' think tank'. think tank is a project i did in collaboration with Robotics Learning Center Malaysia Sdn Bhd.
here is the text written by Intan Rafiza, a curator from the National Art Gallery Malaysia on the project.
( In malay )
Runtuhnya langit kebebasan dan
demokrasi apabila seni itu sendiri tidak lagi menjadi cerminan hari ini.
semula karya terdahulu oleh Amir Zainorin, beliau memberi pandangan paradigm
social-politik Malaysia dalam pemerhatian dan
persoalan yang kritikal melalui perspektif seorang rakyat Malaysia dan
juga antarabangsa. Pengkarya melihat bagaimana seni menjadi ruang untuk berkarya dan memberi pandangan dalam
membentuk imaginasi melalui visual berdasarkan keadaan sosial sebenar dan dalam
masa yang sama ianya membina satu ruang
untuk berkomunikasi.
terkini yang telah dihasilkan pada 2014, bertajuk –Think Tank adalah satu karya
installasi dan seni pertunjukan bersifat
interaktif yang dihasilkan untuk Bela Biennial 2014 di ruang Museu Histirico
National, Rio De Jenairo Brasil. Dengan saiz yang lebih kecil dari kereta kebal
sebenar, ianya adalah hasil kerjasama dengan Robotic Learning Malaysia.
Di dalam karya ini, kereta kebal menjadi subjek
utama yang mana bentuk fizikal karya mempunyai ciri-ciri kekuatan, kekukuhan
dan ianya bercirikan kenderaan
pertahanan yang tinggi. Dan merujuk kepada pensejarahan beberapa dekad yang
lepas, ianya digunakan dalam perang dunia pertama yang mana penciptaannya adalah
sebagai alat pertahanan dan perlindungan tentera di medan peperangan, berfungsi
dalam pertahanan dan juga senjata dalam pergerakan operasi perang. Teknologi
dan ciptaan kereta kebal turut memperlihatkan spesifikasi utama dalam menyerang
dan melindung di medan tempur.
dalam masa yang sama, bulu burung yang menyeliputi kereta kebal memperlihatkan
unsur yang berlawanan diantara kedua-dua
fizikal karya. Malahan didalam
karya ini, Amir Zainorin cuba menghasilkan satu
karya dari gabungan kedua-dua unsur ini. Ianya berinspirasikan bulu burung
yang merujuk kepada topi tradisional yang dikenali dengan nama ‘lelanjang’ yang
pernah dipakai oleh para pemburu kepala (ngayau) pada suatu ketika dahulu.
Pemakaian kostum ini adalah berhubungkait dengan aktiviti amalan buru kepala
yang mana ianya adalah salah satu amalan kuno taktik peperangan masyarakat
melayu borneo di Malaysia. Selain
daripada itu juga, penggunaan bulu burung
turut digunapakai oleh kaum asal yang lain contohnya dari orang asal
Amerika yang membawa erti dan makna dalam kehidupan seharian. Melalui acara
ritual yang memperlambangkan kebebasan manusia dan semangat -rohani-spiritual ,
ianya juga adalah berdasarkan suku-kaum masyarakat yang berbeza.
kepercayaan kepada alam, penggunaan bahan semulajadi ini membentuk satu idea
dan kefahaman kerohanian yang berhubung dengan alam semesta. Komposisi yang
dihasilkan melalui penyatuan penggunaan alat perang kereta kebal dan kerohanian
melalui penggunaan bulu burung oleh
pahlawan terdahulu, pengamat dan penonton seni diberi ruang interaksi dengan
memberi peluang kepada penonton melancarkan warna dari mercu meriam kereta
kebal. Unsur dan teknikal interaktif ini adalah dihasilkan dalam kontek dimana
pengkarya cuba memberi kefahaman dan peluang kepada penonton untuk memahami
karya seni yang disampaikan.
Dalam proses membentuk idea
Think Tank, melalui perspektif satu karya seni yang jelas dengan mengenengahkan
kepentingan yang tidak ketara, (bermaksud penonton masih boleh mempersoalkan
dan membincangan berkaitan idea) diantara objek yang digunakan melalui
pendekatan penciptaan melalui teknologi terkini dan nilai kepercayaan
kerohanian (spiritual).Tembakan warna dari mercu meriam terus ke ruang
didinding secara tidak langsung ianya telah mewujudkan satu platform dialog
seni secara visual dalam meyampaikan karya seni. Yang mana ianya turut menunjukkan bagaimana tindakan manusia boleh memberi kesan dan akibat yang
menjadi penyebab kepada sesuatu hal dan
Disini juga posisi pengkarya
adalah menjadi pengantara dalam aktiviti komunikasi diantara karya seni dan
Pengkarya memberikan satu bentuk seni yang jelas dan
nyata tentang kepentingan maksud demokrasi melalui sistem bermasyarakat melalui
skop budaya dan penglibatan masyarakat awam khasnya. Kepentingan komunikasi secara
interlektual diwujudkan dalam ruang kreativiti yang menjadi subjek utama dalam
proses berkarya.
Melihat semula karya seni
Amir Zainorin yang menjadi koleksi tetap Balai Seni Visual Negara Malaysia, ianya adalah diantara karya
koleksi negara yang mempunyai kekuatan dari sudut perletakan imajan dan
penerokaan idea dari pengkarya dengan pendekatan dan kefahaman tersendiri.
Stamp Series, adalah salah satu dari 3 koleksi karya yang mempunyai proses
pendokumentasian yang jelas berkenaan tanggapan pensejarahan para perajurit
kemerdekaan 1957 yang berjasa dalam memperjuangan kebebasan negara dari
penjajah yang mana mereka adalah terdiri dari latar belakang politik dan
ideologi yang berbeza.
Dalam karya ini ianya
memperlihatkan satu perspektif baru tentang perjuangan merdeka bukanlah
milik mana-mana parti politik, tetapi ianya adalah berkenaan kesatuan
masyarakat ketika itu. Selain daripada itu juga, satu seni pertunjukan
yang telah dipersembahkan di hadapan pejabat Imigresen, Copenhagen, Denmark pada tahun 2010, yang bertajuk -Stamp Over, turut di kongsi bersama dan dipamerkan
pada tahun 2012 di Balai Seni Lukis Negara Malaysia bersempena
Hari Kemerdekaan negara Malaysia dalam
pameran – Kuasa, Harapan dan Tanah. Dalam karya ini, ianya
memperkatakan berkenaan isu-isu pendatang (imagran) dari pelbagai aspek dan
kesan budaya, perbezaan pengstrukturan masyarakat dan sosial serta bagaimana
hal ini mempengaruhi masalah dan latar belakang prinsip dalam perbezaan
Sebagai seorang rakyat
Malaysia, yang berhijrah ke negara lain, Amir Zainorin telah
menghasilkan karya dalam pendekatan dan cuba menjawap beberapa persoalan dalam
hal yang berkaitan dengan isu-isu
sosio-politik di Malaysia. Dalam
permasalahan ini, beliau melihat bagaimana pembangunan negara yang menuju
kemodenan secara fizikal dan adanya perjuangan
hak kemanusiaan melalui pengamalan sistem demokrasi adalah menjadi titik utama dalam
mengenengahkan isu dan persoalan yang diingin disampaikan.
erti kemajuan minda dalam ruang negara yang sedang pesat membangun, mempunyai
pemikiran yang lebih kritis berkenaan isu dan juga hal yang memberi kesan
kepada perspektif permasalahan utama
kenegaraan adalah amat penting dalam menjadi seorang pengkarya seni. Perbezaan
pendapat atau mempersoalkan sesuatu dalam erti kata dalam meruntuhkan tembok
yang menghalangi kebenaran bukanlah satu kesalahan sekiranya pengkarya seni itu
sendiri tahu bagaimana untuk menyampaikannya
dengan cara yang lebih mudah melalui kreativiti dan dialog seni lebih yang
berkesan (dialogis).
Tank – apabila zaman silam itu itu sebenarnya adalah masa depan kita.
Oleh Intan Rafiza
Nov. 2014
in english translated by Sharon Chin
Freedom and democracy fail when art no longer serves as a reflection of today. Looking at his previous work, artist Amir Zainorin supplies points of view about Malaysian socio-political paradigms through the critical observations both as a Malaysian national and as a citizen of the world. He looks at how art becomes a space for expression. Through reality-based visuals, he shapes the imagination, providing insight into contemporary social conditions. He builds space for communication.
Amir’s latest work, titled Think Tank and produced in 2014, is an installation and interactive performance piece. It was made for the Bela Biennial 2014, in Rio de Janeiro’s Museu Historico Nacional and Galeria Scenarium. The work is a collaboration with Robotic Learning Malaysia.
In this work, a military tank serves as the primary subject. Its physical form communicates strength and resolve. Historically, tanks were introduced during the First World War. It was invented as a defensive device, used to protect troops in battle, and serving as a safeguard for weapons and fortifications on the battlefield. As technology developed, tanks have played both defensive and offensive roles in war.
The bird feathers that envelop the tank serve as contrast to the physicality of the armored vehicle. This is a reference to the bird feathers found on the headgear (lelanjang) worn by headhunters (ngayau) of the past. This costume is associated with the practice of head-hunting – an archaic war tactic of the Malays in Malaysian Borneo. Besides this, the bird feathers also reflects its use by other indigenous peoples, such as Native Americans – whose use of the material carries its own significance in their daily lives, through rituals that emblematize human and spiritual freedom.
Amir’s use of natural materials evokes the spiritual ideal of connecting with the universe. The composition pairs a modern weapon of war (the tank) with the spiritual beliefs of past warriors (the bird feathers). The audience is invited to interact with the work by launching colourful paint from the tank’s main cannon. Through this interactivity, the artist hopes to bring audiences closer to understanding the ideas presented in his work.
Think Tank is not a didactic work, and viewers are still able to bring in many associations and related ideas, which may inhabit the space between the tank (a technological creation) and the feathers (symbolizing spirituality). The firing of paint from the tank’s canon onto the wall indirectly sets up a dialogue about what makes a work of art. It also points to the cause and effect that accompany every action we humans undertake. Here, the artist has become an intermediary, facilitating communication between the artwork and its audience. The work speaks clearly about the importance of democracy in society, involving both the cultural sphere and participation of the public.
The works of Amir Zainorin in the permanent collection of Balai Seni Visual Negara are strong, demonstrating the placement of images and exploration of ideas by an artist who has his own approach and point of view. Stamp Series -- one of the three collected works – demonstrates a documentarian’s process, and how this contributes to the way the freedom fighters of 1957 are viewed historically. They were not a homogenous group, instead, consisted of individuals from different backgrounds and ideologies.
The work presents another perspective of the struggle for Merdeka – namely, that the independence movement did not belong to any one political party, but involved a society working in unity at the time.
A performance piece, Stamp Over, first performed in front of the Copenhagen immigration office in 2010, was exhibited at the Balai Seni Lukis Negara in 2012. This was in conjunction with Merdeka Day, and was part of the the “Kuasa, Harapan dan Tanah” show. This work explored the issue of “pendatang” (immigrants) – looking at the differences in the way communities and societies are structured, and how this affects the underlying principles of multi-culturalism.
A Malaysian citizen who now lives abroad, Amir Zainorin has nonetheless continued to produce works that center on the social-political issues of Malaysia. The matter of human rights and democracy in a rapidly developing country that is bent on modernisation is a major starting point for the artist. Understanding what it means to be mentally progressive, thinking critically and being concerned with social issues are essential in being an artist. If artists are skillful in communicating their intentions, having differences of opinion or questioning the rightfulness of a situation is something to be encouraged.
Think Tank – when the past actually tells of our future.
By Intan Rafiza
Curator National Visual Art Gallery
Tranlation from Malay to English by Sharon Chin
Amir’s latest work, titled Think Tank and produced in 2014, is an installation and interactive performance piece. It was made for the Bela Biennial 2014, in Rio de Janeiro’s Museu Historico Nacional and Galeria Scenarium. The work is a collaboration with Robotic Learning Malaysia.
In this work, a military tank serves as the primary subject. Its physical form communicates strength and resolve. Historically, tanks were introduced during the First World War. It was invented as a defensive device, used to protect troops in battle, and serving as a safeguard for weapons and fortifications on the battlefield. As technology developed, tanks have played both defensive and offensive roles in war.
The bird feathers that envelop the tank serve as contrast to the physicality of the armored vehicle. This is a reference to the bird feathers found on the headgear (lelanjang) worn by headhunters (ngayau) of the past. This costume is associated with the practice of head-hunting – an archaic war tactic of the Malays in Malaysian Borneo. Besides this, the bird feathers also reflects its use by other indigenous peoples, such as Native Americans – whose use of the material carries its own significance in their daily lives, through rituals that emblematize human and spiritual freedom.
Amir’s use of natural materials evokes the spiritual ideal of connecting with the universe. The composition pairs a modern weapon of war (the tank) with the spiritual beliefs of past warriors (the bird feathers). The audience is invited to interact with the work by launching colourful paint from the tank’s main cannon. Through this interactivity, the artist hopes to bring audiences closer to understanding the ideas presented in his work.
Think Tank is not a didactic work, and viewers are still able to bring in many associations and related ideas, which may inhabit the space between the tank (a technological creation) and the feathers (symbolizing spirituality). The firing of paint from the tank’s canon onto the wall indirectly sets up a dialogue about what makes a work of art. It also points to the cause and effect that accompany every action we humans undertake. Here, the artist has become an intermediary, facilitating communication between the artwork and its audience. The work speaks clearly about the importance of democracy in society, involving both the cultural sphere and participation of the public.
The works of Amir Zainorin in the permanent collection of Balai Seni Visual Negara are strong, demonstrating the placement of images and exploration of ideas by an artist who has his own approach and point of view. Stamp Series -- one of the three collected works – demonstrates a documentarian’s process, and how this contributes to the way the freedom fighters of 1957 are viewed historically. They were not a homogenous group, instead, consisted of individuals from different backgrounds and ideologies.
The work presents another perspective of the struggle for Merdeka – namely, that the independence movement did not belong to any one political party, but involved a society working in unity at the time.
A performance piece, Stamp Over, first performed in front of the Copenhagen immigration office in 2010, was exhibited at the Balai Seni Lukis Negara in 2012. This was in conjunction with Merdeka Day, and was part of the the “Kuasa, Harapan dan Tanah” show. This work explored the issue of “pendatang” (immigrants) – looking at the differences in the way communities and societies are structured, and how this affects the underlying principles of multi-culturalism.
A Malaysian citizen who now lives abroad, Amir Zainorin has nonetheless continued to produce works that center on the social-political issues of Malaysia. The matter of human rights and democracy in a rapidly developing country that is bent on modernisation is a major starting point for the artist. Understanding what it means to be mentally progressive, thinking critically and being concerned with social issues are essential in being an artist. If artists are skillful in communicating their intentions, having differences of opinion or questioning the rightfulness of a situation is something to be encouraged.
Think Tank – when the past actually tells of our future.
By Intan Rafiza
Curator National Visual Art Gallery
Tranlation from Malay to English by Sharon Chin
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