pia, malika and ilyas at the opening
Friday, October 2, 2009
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
narrow escape from a shark
Onsdag 8/4 fra kl. 20-23: Sydøstasiatisk filmaften: Lillelund/Zainorin
Gratis adgang for alle
Verdenspremiere på den malaysiske instruktør Amir Zainorins poesifilm, Narrow Escape From A Shark, hvor digteren Ole Lillelund læser op forskellige steder i København. Zainorin introducerer og viser tillige en anden film om malaysisk kunst. Aftenen sluttes af med Adi Yadonis dokumentar Reflections of the Misunderstood Mat Rockers om undergrundspunkscenens udvikling i Singapore fra 1970'erne til i dag, med en kort introduktion af Ole Lillelund.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
chairil anwar-nattens stemme- gendigtet af ole lillelund
Poesi, paperback, gendigtet af Ole Lillelund, 90 sider, 120 kr, udkommet 19/6 2009
cover of chairil anwar by amir zainorin. collage on canvas, 2003
Chairil Anwar, grundlæggeren af den modernistiske poesi i Indonesien, har alt for længe været et totalt ukendt navn i Vesten. Denne situation råder Det Poetiske Bureaus Forlag bod på med denne enestående gendigtning af multilingvisten Ole Lillelund; gå ikke glip af denne unikke mulighed for at smage på en fremmedartet og dog velkendt poesi fra et hjørne af verden du normalt ikke hører så meget fra. Køb nu
Anmeldelse i Urban
Anmeldelse i Politiken
Guanoelegier-ole lillelund
Poesi, paperback, 80 sider, 120 kr. inklusive cd, udkommer 10/7 2009
cover of ole lillelund by amir zainorin.collage on canvas.2003
Ole Lillelund har snart prydet Bureauet med sin skarpslebne poesi i to år og nu pryder han også vort forlags katalog med sin første udgivelse siden sangbogen 'Sange fra kanten af en blå zafir' der udkom for fem år siden. Guanoelegier er ikke bare en bidsk kommentar til Rilke, men en sylespids poe
malaysian arts festival denmark 2009
The first Malaysian Arts festival in Denmark will be presenting a number of recognized artists from Malaysia who will be making live performances within the two weeks. The festival will give the public in Copenhagen and Roskilde a possibility to expand their knowledge of Malaysian art and expression.
The tile ‘Uncut’ has a double meaning. Part of the title is referred to the uncensored and open dissemination of art form. The other part of ‘Uncut is referred to the same word pronunciation in Malay ‘ angkat ‘, which means to lift. One of the festival’s goals is to lift and introduce Malaysian art to a new audience here in Denmark.
The public can experience the dancer and choreographer Aida Redza (b. 1969). Here in Denmark is Aida known for her performance at Kronborg in 2002 and her part in the Images of Asia 2003. Aida is one of Malaysia’s most intense and controversial choreographers. Her dance and choreography explores the relation between dream, play, resistance and revolution from a perspective of a Muslim woman.
20 Malaysian visual artists will exhibit their work in a group exhibition. Among them are National Laureate A.Samad Said, Ruzekki Harris, Samsudin Wahab, Zulkiflee Zainal Abidin, Suddin Lappo, Melissa Lin, Rahmat Haron and Haslin Ismail.
The public will have the possibility to participate in a workshop with one of the artists; Fathullah Luqman Yusuff ( b. 1972 ). Fathullah, who is both singer/songwriter and visual artist deals with art therapy as a tool to work with children and teenagers.
At the festival there will there be presented a numbers of Malaysian short films. You can watch film interviews with a couple of the front figures in the Malaysian art world. The films debate about multiculturalism and tradition versus modernity. The interviews also debate the role of art in the society.
At last there will be poetry reading, music and dance performance during the festival while a variety of Malaysian food are being served.
About the organizer:
Uncut09 is organized by Malaysian visual artist Amir Zainorin and volunteers from the association Jambatan in cooperation with Malaysian artist and curator Nur Hanim Khairuddin, who is the editor for art magazine Sentap in Malaysia. Jambatan, which is a Malay word meaning ‘bridge’, seeks to build up a network between Danish and Asian artists. Uncut09 is organized with support from the National Art Gallery Malaysia, University of Science Malaysia, Sentap and Tourism Malaysia.
The official opening of the Festival will be officiated by H.E. Dato' Kamarudin Mustafa, from Embassy of Malaysia, Sweden on 7 Aug 2009 at 5 pm at Gallery Shambala, Rosengården 7, 1177
København K.
Rosengården 7, 1177 København K. TEL: 2940 9896
5 – 15 August
Group art exhibition of 20 contemporary artists from Malaysia
Opening time: 15.00- 18.00 Mon-Fri
10.00 – 14.00 Saturday
Stændertorvet 3D, 4000 Roskilde. TEL: 4631 6570
14 – 15 August
Screening of films from Malaysia
Day 1: 14. August KL. 19.00 – 22.00
Video interview and Short films
Day 2: 15. August KL. 19 – 22.00
Video interview and Collection of films from University of Science Malaysia
11 – 13 August
Nørre Alle 7, 2200 København. TEL: 3536 0528
Day 1: Tuesday 11. August
A studio based process will facilitate participants to experience a collaborative work with Aida Redza, Fathullah Luqman Yusuff and Amir Zainorin towards giving opportunity to create and showcase an interdisciplinary performance work to be presented on the 13 August.
Day 2: Wednesday August 12. 2009
DANCE WORKSHOPS KL. 10.00 – 19.00
Salen: Verdenskulturcentret
Workshop Fee: 100 Kr. per session Aida Redza - a Malaysian dancer and choreographer will conduct her first new dance workshop rooted in tradition. The dance workshop is open to all interested in the process of 3R - Ritual, Rhythm, and Repetition in performance of the expressive body. The workshop is open to all interested. There will be two sessions of the workshop; A slow Intermediate class for young and new beginners from 10 - 12 am, and an advance Intermediate class from 5 -7 pm.
Interested participants please contact Aida Redza at tel: +45 2227 9072 or email aida.mohdredza@gmail.com for dance workshop collaboratotium process.
A studio based process will facilitate participants to experience a collaborative work with Aida Redza, Fathullah Luqman Yusuff and Amir Zainorin towards giving opportunity to create and showcase an interdisciplinary performance work to be presented on the 13 August.
Day 3: Thursday August 13. 2009
ARTWORKSHOP - KL. 10.00 – 13.00
An art workshop will be conducted by Malaysian artist Fathullah Luqman Yusuff,
He will be making a group painting workshop session with the theme – spontaneity, impromptu, experimental and playing with color lines.
Participants will be invited to use their whole body in relation to the canvas which is placed on the floor rather than painting on an easel or against the wall.
Interested participants please contact Amir at Tel: +45 2940 9896 or email amirzainorin@gmail.com
A special performance will be staged at Salen and Cafetaria Verdenskulturcentret.
kl. 18.00 - 18.45 Poetry reading
Venue: Cafetaria
by Fathullah Luqman, Amir Zainorin and guest poet Ole Lillelund from Denmark.
kl. 19. 00 – 19.30 Music performance
by Fathullah Luqman - singer/songwriter, visual artist and poet.
He is known as an outsider edge musician and since 1997 he's been trained by artists from Malaysia and Indonesia in a more personal method of learning, leaning towards figurative expressionist style. Fathullah has done both solo and group exhibitions and he is also involved in art workshop/art therapy session as a medium to use art to reach out to society especially to teenagers and children.
kl. 19.45 – 20.15 Dance Performance
Venue- Salen
by Aida Redza – dancer and choreographer.
kl. 20.30 – 21.00 Collaboratorium showcase
Venue: Salen
by Aida Redza, Fathullah Luqman and Amir Zainorin.
22.00 Closed
Entrance: 75 kr inclusive of Malaysian food which will be served during the show.
For more information please visit the festival blog at www.jambatan.blogspot.com
interview with arteri
interview-space 16 online gallery
I grew up in an environment of popular culture. Watching Walt Disney, the Lone Ranger, Six Million Dollar Man, Superman, to mention a few. My father was a singer in a Ghazal (Band) back in the 60's, so music has also been a big part of my life.

*The Dance, 170cm x 120cm, digital c print on paper, 2009
Image courtesy of A. Zainorin
[*MORE... Malaysian typical dances on YouTube
One of the main inspirations of making collage is because of its simplicity and the idea that you don’t necessarily have to buy paints or colors to make art.
Can you discuss your process in general? How does it all start, what techniques and materials do you use?
I have worked with many different materials. I first started with oil, and later on switched to acrylic and at the same time started to make collage and assemblage from objects I found from the street.
Monday, September 28, 2009
The Global Village exhibition Holland

the cross-print and pen on paper-2009
can be viewed at Grand Saint Laurens church of Alkmaar, Holland.The exhibition will take place from Saturday 23 January 2010 till Sunday 31 January 2010.
The theme of Global Village is globalisation (like internet, media, mass consumption and climate change). We don�t want a pro- or con-globalisation exhibition. We see globalisation as just there, with it�s effects and opportunities (like this project). 55 artists from all 6 continents show innovating art (like installation, video en digital art) about this theme.
At the exhibition 55 artists with innovating work (like installation, video and digital art) show their art about the theme of globalisation (like internet, media, mass consumption and climate change). The artists are coming from all 6 continents; Europe, North and South America, Africa, Asia and Australia, see Global Village artists.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
skraldekunst workshop-junk art workshop with heerup museum 2009

Heerup Museum and the Malaysian-born artist Amir Zainorin will host garbage workshops, where you can build your own "garbage car" from recycled.....
jacob holdt
i was introduced to jacob thru my wife pia poulsen a few years ago when i came to denmark. pia travelled with jacob to new york some years ago visiting his old friends from the ' american pictures'. i would strongly recommend you to read the book 'american pictures' which unfold many untold stories about the people in america. i told my american friend about the book and when he saw it, he said to me that he had to be out of the usa to know more about what is going on in his own country. i felt the same because i never heard or seen any pictures of the hard core poor black and white americans when i was in the usa back in the late 80s. and those were considered to be the better days in the states than it is now.

jacob holdt-digital print-2009

Vagabond years
Arriving in America with only $40 for a short visit, a young Dane, Jacob Holdt ended up staying over five years, hitchhiking more than 100,000 miles throughout the USA.
He sold blood plasma twice weekly to be able to buy film. He lived in more than 400 homes - from the poorest migrant workers to America's wealthiest families such as the Rockefellers. They not only gave him a hospitality and warmth, but their continuing friendship to this day.
pleae read more at this links.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
back to zero